Thursday, April 2, 2009

Some different flavors of Documentary

My documentary style has always been to document. I started when I was 12 years old documenting RC flying events and it only grew from there. Since then I've traveled around the US to shoot various sporting events, including being an intern for Red Bull shooting the Last Man Standing dirt bike race and staff for a large drifting organization.

My purpose in documentary is to promote the sports/ways of living that I, and others like me are interested in. In this class I feel that a lot of this type of documentary is not touched on, mostly because of the limited time constraints of a semester and the fact that these documentaries are a minority to more socially relevant films. I thought I'd utilize our blogsphere to post op a small fraction of the people, documentaries and videos that inspire me to continue documenting what I love.

Red Bull World Drifting Championships 2008 from Will Roegge on Vimeo.

Slide America Trailer. from Andy Sapp on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. Ashley, I mentioned Les Blank's films in class. He has spent his life documenting passionate subcultures. Some of his shorts are on youtube and I have a collection on DVD that you should check out. BTW, Ying emailed that you had posted a video on the blog but it does not seem to be here... Ellen
