Monday, April 6, 2009

Still picking up pieces of my mind off the ground...

So I decided to go to Vulcan video last night and check some docs out other than the ones in the Spiro Library, and I came across a doc right next to Ellen's Body of War. The documentary was called The Dali Dimension. I must say if you are a fan of fine art then this doc is for you. The film is centered around the discovery that Salvador's extraordinary works were influenced by the scientific breakthroughs of his time.

I myself have been obsessed with advanced theories involving the search for hyperspace and the elegant universe. I was a huge fan of Dali's work before, but now after realizing his influences, I am forever loyal. The awesome thing about the documentary is the viewer doesn't have to have any knowledge on any of the intense theories related to Dali's work. The filmmakers did a great job of making it very informative. I felt like I was getting a lesson in art while refining my knowledge of the unknown at the same time.

The filmmakers had an amazing archive of interviews with Dali to work with. It is also woven with interviews of top scientist and other crazed artist. From my guess the doc wasn't all that expensive to make production wise, although the rights for Dali's interviews and artwork may have been a challenge. I think there was a lot of things in this documentary that have inspired me to structure documentaries in a unique way.

I believe the choice of the filmmakers to take science and meet it with art in a beautiful yet simple manner. We should be looking for something with a unique relationship like this doc did because not only is it badass and interesting, but you have two select audiences that you can market with this piece that are pretty unrelated in most cases. The doc could have been bought by art museums and channels and science museums and channels.

I really enjoyed this documentary even though it wasn't one of the top productions I have seen. I suggest it to all who have an interest in bizarre art and theories that will implode your mind.

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